Pap Smears: A Slightly Awkward but Totally Necessary Check-up

Published on: 10 May, 2024
Updated at: 06 March, 2025
Pap Smears: A Slightly Awkward but Totally Necessary Check-up

Let’s talk about Pap smears. Yes, I know, it’s not exactly a conversation starter over brunch, but bear with me - this is important.

A Pap smear (or cervical screening test, if we’re being fancy) is a quick and simple test that checks for abnormal cells on the cervix, which could develop into cervical cancer if left undetected. It’s not the most glamorous experience, but neither is dealing with a preventable cancer - so it’s worth it.

If you have a cervix and you’re between the ages of 25 and 64 in the UK, you should be getting regular screenings. The NHS will send you a letter, which you might be tempted to ignore, but don’t! This little test could quite literally save your life. And no, it doesn’t take long. You’ll be in and out of the GP’s office in about 10 minutes - faster than it takes to scroll aimlessly through TikTok.

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: yes, it’s a bit awkward. You’re lying on a medical table with your legs in stirrups while a nurse pokes around down there, it’s hardly a day at the spa. But the nurses have seen it all before, and they’re incredibly professional. Plus, it’s over before you know it. A small price to pay for peace of mind, right?

A few top tips to make it less stressful:

  • Wear a skirt or dress if you want a bit of modesty
  • Take some deep breathes
  • Schedule a little treat for yourself afterwards - coffee, cake, a new pair of socks (you do you).

So, if you’ve been putting it off, consider this your friendly nudge to book that appointment.

It’s quick, it’s free, and it could save your life.

And hey, once it’s done, you don’t have to think about it for another few years - win-win!

Now go forth and take care of your cervix. Future you will thank you!


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