Why Choose Skins


In a perfect world no one would choose to wear a condom but now, more than ever, condoms are essential wear. The trick is to find a condom that offers not only reassurance but also the best sensation possible.

Skins set out with that objective in mind. Having spoken to lots of condom users and a lot of research of their own, (a tough job but someone has to do it!), they looked to source the very best ingredients to ensure as natural an experience as possible

Here’s a little of what makes Skins different and why wearing a Skins Condom is the safe, easy way to have protected sex without compromising on sensation:

Clear Looking, Natural Feeling

As condoms are made from latex - a natural product, searching for the best quality latex is taken very seriously. So Skins teamed up with a condom expert of over 20 years’ experience with the local knowledge required to ensure only the best latex is selected for Skins condoms. By using premium quality latex Skins are thinner than most condoms making them beautifully clear looking and natural feeling yet still as strong as other leading brands.

No Latex Smell

Many condom users say they do not like the latex smell often associated with wearing condoms. Skins condoms have all been infused with a light vanilla scent, leaving no tell tale latex smell and allowing Skins users to enjoy a far more natural and sensually pleasing experience.

Extra Lubricated

Skins condoms use a premium silicone lubricant for all their condoms and add a little more lube than usual. This extra lube makes Skins really comfortable and easy to put on, but also means better protection because after teeth and nails, lack of lubrication is the third highest cause of condoms splitting.

Simple Naming Policy

When buying condoms you want to know exactly what you are buying, quickly and without having to ask or stand at a counter reading the information on a pack. So when it came to naming their condoms Skins called each variety exactly what it is. If you want an Ultra Thin Condom you buy a Skins Ultra Thin, if you are well endowed then the Skins Extra Large is for you and so on – all designed to make your choice as quick and easy as possible. So no embarrassing questions, just one look at the name and it's easy to decide which Skins condom is right for you.

Great Price

As we believe natural feeling, clear looking, great smelling condoms should be affordable to all, Skins offer a top quality product at a very affordable price.

Unique Pack sizes

We just couldn’t resist; Skins are available in packs of 4, 12 and 16. What better way to cover your tips than with a Skins condom from a Skins 4-pack ! Not only have you got a cheeky Skins pun, it also means that with a similar price to other 3-Packs you get an extra condom free.

The Skins Cube: Get More Bangs for your Buck!

Skins Sexual Health are here to spice up your sex life with the Skins Cube and its design led packaging that proves, its hip to be square.

Everyone knows they should use condoms, but research shows many people are still too embarrassed to buy them, carry them and even have them at home. The Skins Cube design moves condom purchasing away from the furtive, grab it and go event to a positive lifestyle choice. The Skins Cube meets the Skins Sexual Health objectives by offering premium quality condoms at a great price, £9.99 for 16 of the very best condoms.

With 16 individual, separate condoms in an easy-access storage box, the Skins Cube is a bedside staple. No more clumsy drawer-rummaging and ripping off strips. The Skins Cube condoms are ready to use. Single condoms mean no strips and that means no rips, ensuring you’re as protected as possible!